Calendar icon May 23, 2023

Property Management Strategies to Grow Your Business Without Burning Out

Are you tired of the challenges that come with managing properties? From dealing with difficult residents to handling maintenance issues, property management can often feel like an endless list of responsibilities instead of a strategic small business venture. 

Fear not! In this article, we’ll unveil a range of effective property management strategies to alleviate your property management woes and empower you to achieve smooth operations and maximize returns. Get ready to discover practical tips and proven techniques that will revolutionize the way you approach property management. 


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Here are the top 15 property management growth strategies to expand your business without burning out. Say goodbye to stress and hello to efficient, hassle-free property management. 

1. Set core values

In the renowned book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Dr. Stephen Covey outlines the second habit as: “Begin with the end in mind.” When building property management strategies, setting core values is the absolute foundation for everything else.

We’ve spoken with hundreds of property management leaders, and all of them have reflected: Get your values right from the start. Your goals and growth come from that foundation. 

Kevin Hommel, COO of Memphis Turnkey Properties, puts it this way: 

“Anyone who encounters or interacts with your business needs to be able to feel your core values coming through when they meet with you, when they explore your company online, or if they talk to somebody else about you. You have to have your core values right there.”

2. Know your priorities

The next step after outlining your values is to identify and document your priorities. For many of us, articulating core values or taking time to nail down priorities can feel like an important thing we’ll never get around to. The urgent tasks of managing a property portfolio often get in the way of important big-picture work.

Many property managers find their teams spread too thin over too many tasks and responsibilities that really don’t iimpact their company’s bottom line. Or, maybe they’re focusing on too many areas, too many types of houses, etc. Setting priorities can help you niche down and then begin to see growth.

Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy have an upcoming book about this called “10X Is Easier Than 2X.” We had Dr. Hardy on our podcast to explain what the phrase means and how getting the right priorities can make all the difference in growth and burnout:

“Whatever your goal might be,” Dr. Hardy says, “it's not the obstacles between you and the goal that stops you. It's that you have too many competing priorities. Eighty percent of everything you're doing right now and the people you're working with are a distraction from 10X.”

In terms of rental property management, that means that as a leader, you have to be able to delegate priorities. And that, of course, means getting the right people on board, which leads us to our next point…

3. Get the right people on board

To grow property management without burning out, it’s imperative that you get the right people on your team. The reason staffing makes such a difference goes beyond just having more hands. Your team answers the question “Who, not how” – another principle from Dr. Hardy in his book of the same name. Peter Lohmann, Co-founder & CEO of RL Property Management, explained this concept in conversation with Dr. Hardy on the Triple Win Podcast:

“The concept from the book Who Not How is that you need to stop thinking about ‘HOW can I do this,’ which is kind of our default framework for clients coming to us with a problem. They’re thinking, ‘How can I get this done?’ But as a property manager, you need to reframe that and ask yourself, ‘WHO can help me with this? Who’s the expert?’” 

4. Hire based on culture fit

Onboarding the right people brings us back to our first tip: Find people who embrace your core values. Hommel says he focuses on hiring motivated people who buy into what he’s trying to achieve – rather than people who necessarily have all the property management experience. 

“You don't want to let anybody through a round of interviews that you wouldn't love to come in and go to bat with everybody. And then you have employee retention, which we know creates a lot of efficiencies. So, define what your core culture is. Define who you want to join you.”

Whether the team has previous SFR management experience is less important than ensuring they have a triple win mindset. Look for team members who understand that proactively driving progress and success for others (residents, investors, teammates) is the best way to achieve progress and success for themselves. 

These people are more likely to be A-players and grow in your organization over time and can help you deliver what “totally taken care of” feels like.

5. Build strategies with your team

One of the best solutions for burnout is simply ensuring that you and your team are on the same page. Assuming you’ve hired people who are a culture fit, who get what you’re trying to do, and who think creatively and resiliently – they should be involved in building your business strategies, too. They need to be in the conversation around managing a property portfolio. 

After all, it’s important to be able to trust your people. Lohmann says: “I would challenge everyone to step back from the need to know everything that’s going on and ask yourself, ‘Why?’ Why do I need to know this information if it's being handled? The need to ‘stay plugged in’ is not going to help you unlock growth for your company. Time to work on 10x opportunities instead.”


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6. Find your property management niche

Setting the right priorities also means focusing on what you’re best at. Being “all things to all real estate investors” may help you add a new property in the short term, but you risk slowed growth and burnout. Instead, a more effective property management strategy is to double down on your specific property management niche.

On this topic, we spoke with Bob Preston, CEO of North County Property Group, CRMC. Preston shared how he quickly learned to go deep, not wide, with his business. The result? A booming property management services company with some of the best real estate in San Diego county.

“When I was starting things out, I learned really, really quickly that sometimes less is more. In the early days, when I would take on anything, the worst properties were taking up 80% of our time.”

Based on their location, they ended up focusing on a specific region within the county – high-value coastal properties in the north part of San Diego County. These properties only made up about 20% of his total doors, but they made up 80% of the profit margin. So, he started to carve out a niche. 

Preston says, “At that point in time, we started all of our messaging, positioning, outreach, and pitch to the higher end of the market. We may not be the cheapest, and that's okay. If you don't like that, don't come to our company.” 

Instead of shrinking their business, they have $550+ monthly revenue per home, expanded their services to include maintenance, and have had zero evictions. To grow property management, the key is to niche down, not go broad.

7. Create more value & charge accordingly

Finding your niche and saying no to properties may seem counterintuitive. So does our next tip: When you start finding ways to add more value, charge for what it’s worth. Evalute your current services and consider whether you are charging a reasonable price for them.

On this topic, we had Mike Krause, Partner at Atrium Management Company, weigh in: 

“We were always afraid of charging more fees and owners being turned off. So we stuck to the big three: renewal fees, leasing fees, and management fees. And that's kind of what we lived on for a while, so we were staying kind of just barely profitable.”

Krause and his team decided it was time to take a risk and make some changes. Atrium built new programs like a resident benefits package, which created fantastic new value for residents and investors – and brought Atrium new revenue streams. The result? They had their biggest year ever and are now on track to double that in the coming year.

Krause says: “We stopped being afraid to charge fees. We sat down and made a list of the fees we thought were valuable and what we wanted to charge, and we started charging more. And guess what? Not many people left. What we were afraid of – losing current owners or losing current management contracts or not winning new ones – just didn't happen.”

When you start generating value beyond those core three fees, you can generate more revenue by monetizing those programs. Then you can reinvest in the business to bring more value to investors and residents. We like to say: There's no shame in making money in property management, the only shame is not putting it to good use.

8. Don’t be afraid to “fire” a client

This is a question we see all the time. When you have a frustrating investor, do you just deal with it or cut them loose? While there are all kinds of nuances to that question, the long and short of it is that you can’t be afraid to get rid of a client. 

Bob Preston has experience “firing” investors and says it has contributed to his company’s ability to grow without draining his team. 

“I always try to save a client, but often it’s a small number of properties that are causing 80% of the problems – whether it’s an owner who likes to complain, who doesn't like to keep their investment property maintained, who drags their feet, who threatens to fire us, etc. For me, it's three strikes, and we're out.”

Cutting difficult clients loose frees you up to focus on higher-value opportunities that don’t take away 80% of your resources. 

This brings us back to Dr. Benjamin Hardy. “You (have to) start saying no to the lesser goals. Then you start finding ways to get the opportunities at the level you want.” 

9. Develop an excellent marketing strategy

To develop the right marketing plan, you must apply all the skills we’ve discussed here. It means really digging into what works, what’s driving results with new clients – and getting rid of the rest. 

Hommel again: “One of the more important factors in driving revenue into the company is: How do I get new doors? Understanding your sources of marketing, what's effective marketing, and where are you wasting money. Where do you see fruits?”

If you can drill down into the data and find which marketing messages, landing pages, blog posts, and campaigns drove your ideal client, you can start cutting out the messages that only bring in busywork or “bad” clients. 

This property management strategy ultimately helps your team by releasing them from any unproductive leads and focuses them on generating growth.


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10. Use digital tools & AI solutions 

AI property management is growing and we have software tools that can make work so much easier for our teams. The current primary use of AI in property management strategy is to automate workflows and repetitive tasks. 

AI solutions can seem daunting at first, but they are one of the best ways to take busy work off your team’s plate and let them focus on more strategic tasks that require human skills. 

AI and software solutions can help with processes like:

  • Email marketing and communication
  • Scheduling (with rules built in for your priorities and goals)
  • Marketing listings
  • Maintenance requests
  • Rent payments tracking
  • Etc. 

Automation tools are an incredible way to reduce burnout, increase productivity, and deliver better results. 

11. Build SEO & social media strategies 

SEO and social media marketing are both strategies to grow your business without daily updating. 

Build your website and blog content with SEO practices in mind – or hire or contract an SEO expert to help optimize your website. If you’re already blogging, make sure to follow best practices in SEO so that your content actually draws new customers in. SEO can continue to organically grow your traffic – and your business.

Social media is another great way to build your brand, influence, and client base without doing any aggressive marketing. Start growing your network in the property management industry and real estate world. Post things in property management that seem interesting to you and make them easily shareable. Follow best practices for social media, tag colleagues, and watch your following and your network grow.

12. Network with peers

Networking is one of the best ways to grow your brand and your business – and for many, it’s fun! In property management, the network of professionals is an incredibly supportive community of tactical advice, generative solutions, and rigorous debate. We’ve seen so many companies grow simply through meeting with like-minded professionals and sharing ideas, strategies, and referrals. 

One great place to plug in is in various Facebook Groups, LinkedIn, and other social media. Wherever you are in the country, you can share questions, solutions, frustrations, and wins. Check out the Triple Win Property Managers Facebook Group for a thriving community of PMs.

13. Stay familiar with local businesses and listings

SFR property management is all about local communities and regional reach. To grow without burning out, it’s critical for your property management company to have a good reputation in your community, and to be visible to property owners or anyone looking for property management solutions. Make sure your information is up to date in local business listings, and think about places to drive more visibility in your specific market niche. 

This connects with the point above about networking. The more your community knows you, the more leads you’ll see coming in without putting extra pressure on your team. 

14. Improve current properties

This might not seem like a growth strategy, but improving your current properties can do a world of good for your property management company’s reputation. Happy residents make referrals, as do happy investors. In your efforts to grow, you need to first ensure your foundation is strong.

Visit your current properties and discuss with your team if there are any ways to improve the quality of resident experiences. The better the resident experience, the more easily you can leverage growth opportunities.

15. Invest in resident experience

All of this leads to one thing: better resident experiences. Ultimately, growing your property management business without burning out your team is about providing winning experiences for residents. You do this by defining your business goals, carving your niche, building a high-quality team, and staying laser-focused on your priorities throughout. 

Starting with experiences residents pay for and stay for leads to better retention, which reduces turnover costs, which brings in more revenue – makes your business more attractive to investors and talent, and the virtuous cycle goes on. 

At Second Nature, we believe in the power of saying yes to what benefits you, your investors, and your residents – and cutting out anything else. That’s why we’ve built the first fully managed Resident Benefits Package. The RBP is the most powerful way to transform your resident experience, without adding a burden on your team or a cost to your investor. Talk about a Triple Win!

Learn more about how property managers are building better resident experiences and turning it into profit.

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Property Management Outsourcing Services: Example Tasks & Best Providers

Virtual assistants are becoming increasingly important in the property management industry for a number of reasons. First are the associated efficiencies. Property managers often wear many hats, juggling tasks like resident communication, lease agreements, maintenance requests, and advertising. A virtual assistant can handle many of these administrative and repetitive tasks, freeing up the property manager's time to focus on more strategic initiatives. Virtual assistants can also act as a communication "hub" between residents, property management companies, and service providers. They can field calls and emails, schedule appointments, and ensure everyone is on the same page. In the same vein, virtual assistants can help with tasks related to online advertising for vacancies, managing a social media presence to attract potential residents, and even creating basic property videos or photos for listings. It’s important to note that virtual assistants are not a replacement for in-house staff. Instead, they allow staff to focus on important tasks that add value, as opposed to time-consuming manual operations. In today's post, we'll provide concrete examples of how virtual assistants can help property managers, the pros and cons of using these services, and a brief directory of property management virtual assistant service providers. Note on language: In the interest of clear communication, particularly regarding legal matters, this blog post may occasionally use the term "tenant" in reference to residents. While "resident" reflects the valued community we aim to support, service provider agreements and other legal documents today typically use the term "tenant." For the majority of this post, however, we'll utilize the term "resident" to best represent the positive and collaborative atmosphere we aim to cultivate. What is outsourced property management? Outsourced property management refers to the practice of paying for a third-party company or product to handle certain tasks or operations for your property management company. This could include tasks such as tenant screening, resident benefits, renters insurance programs, rent collection, maintenance and repair coordination, lease enforcement, financial reporting, and more. Property management is in itself an outsourced service for real estate investors/property owners. Just as property owners often choose to outsource their property management to save time, reduce stress, and ensure they stay profitable – property management companies may outsource several of their services for the same reasons. Property management outsourcing services, whether PropTech products or fully managed solutions, allow property management companies to build efficiencies and focus on quality and growth. Outsourcing certain services can give residents more of what they need and investors more value for their dollar. Example property management tasks you can outsource to virtual assistants The number of tasks property managers can outsource has increased over time, as companies have become more comfortable with geographically dispersed teams, and as virtual assistants themselves have become more sophisticated (better communication skills, task automation capabilities, and access to information). Given that the benefits of outsourcing to virtual assistants are on the rise, here is a sampling of tasks that can currently be outsourced to virtual assistants. Outreach to homeowners for management Virtual assistants can be a property management company's secret weapon for improving homeowner outreach in a few key ways. Given that property managers often manage a large number of properties and homeowners, virtual assistants can handle sending personalized emails, texts, or even making phone calls to homeowners. As indicated above, they can also help manage the property management company's social media presence, posting updates, building trust, and boosting its brand presence to property owners. Property assessments While virtual assistants can't directly conduct rental property assessments, which typically involve a qualified professional inspecting the property's condition, they can provide valuable support throughout the assessment process by gathering and organizing property information crucial for the assessment (for example, details such as square footage, number of bedrooms/bathrooms, year built, major renovations, and past maintenance upkeep records). They can also compile relevant data from property management software or online real estate industry resources. Virtual assistants can also manage the scheduling of property assessors and ensure clear communication between the property owner, property manager, and the assessor. This involves sending appointment reminders, handling any cancellations or rescheduling needs, and keeping everyone informed throughout the process. Once any given assessment is complete, a virtual assistant can help process and organize the assessor's report. This might involve formatting the report, creating digital copies, and ensuring it's easily accessible to the property manager and owner. Creating and presenting management proposals Virtual assistants can be a highly cost-effective asset to property management companies when it comes to creating and presenting management proposals. For instance, virtual assistants can save a lot of time by gathering data on comparable properties in the area, including rental rates, vacancy rates, and recent sales. They can pull this data from industry reports, rental listing websites, or public property records. They can also compile details about specific rental properties under management such as square footage, amenities, maintenance history, and any unique features. This ensures the proposal accurately reflects the property's value and the services offered. In addition, virtual assistants can alleviate the hassle of creating or maintaining templates for management proposals, ensuring consistency in branding and formatting. This saves time and ensures a professional presentation. As far as actual proposal presentation is concerned, virtual assistants can handle the electronic delivery of the proposal to the client and schedule follow-up calls or meetings to discuss the proposal details and answer any questions. If the property manager is competing against other companies, a virtual assistant can help research competitor offerings and identify areas where your proposal can stand out. Determining property rent In addition to the market research capabilities mentioned above, virtual assistants can gather data on rental trends in the target area. This includes vacancy rates, as well as recent rental listings for comparable properties (similar size, bedrooms, amenities) and their advertised rent prices. They can find this information on rental listing websites, property management software, or public rental databases. Virtual assistants can also handle initial communication with investors to understand their rental expectations and any specific goals they might have (e.g., maximizing rent vs. filling the vacancy quickly). Creating and organizing property photos and marketing material Virtual assistants can be a game-changer for property management businesses when it comes to creating and organizing property photos and marketing materials. If professional photography is required, a virtual assistant can schedule appointments with photographers, and even perform basic photo editing tasks like cropping, and adjusting brightness and contrast. This ensures a clean and polished presentation of the property. They can also create file-naming conventions for these photos, in order to make them easily searchable for future use in marketing materials or listings. As far as marketing materials are concerned, virtual assistants can create or maintain templates for various materials, ensuring consistent branding and design across all platforms. This saves time and creates a professional look while delivering cost savings. Advertising the property Virtual assistants can be highly beneficial for property management companies when it comes to advertising their properties. For instance, virtual assistants can create and manage listings on various online rental platforms, ensuring accurate and up-to-date property information reaches a wide audience of potential tenants. They can also optimize listings with relevant keywords to improve search ranking. On the social media channel, virtual assistants can help create targeted ads with eye-catching visuals and compelling descriptions highlighting the property's best features. They can also schedule ad posts and track their performance to optimize future campaigns. In general, virtual assistants can create and manage a content calendar for property promotions. This can include scheduling social media posts, email blasts to potential residents, or even blog posts showcasing the property and surrounding neighborhood. Responding to inquiries Virtual assistants can be the first point of contact for prospective tenants who inquire about a property through listings, social media, or the company website. They can answer basic questions, schedule viewings, and qualify leads to ensure they are a good fit for the property. Likewise, when it comes to responding to inquiries from potential investors, they can assess the lead quality and guide the initial conversation. Vetting resident applications Virtual assistants can be a valuable asset in the vetting process for property management companies. For starters, they can handle the initial processing of rental applications, collecting and organizing applicant information, as well as lease agreements and supporting documents. This frees up property managers to focus on reviewing qualified applications. They can also manage initial communication with applicants. This might involve sending automated emails with application instructions, answering basic questions about the property or application process, and scheduling appointments for viewings. Many property management companies use tenant screening software that virtual assistants can be trained to utilize, ordering credit reports, background checks, and eviction history reports efficiently. Approving a tenant application after review Virtual assistants can play a crucial role in streamlining the post-review approval process for property management companies. Once the property manager approves an applicant, they can handle initial communication with the new resident. This might sending a lease agreement electronically, explaining signing procedures, and collecting e-signatures. Virtual assistants can also coordinate move-in logistics, such as scheduling move-in property inspections, providing information on utility activation, and sending welcome packages with important building information and resident resources. Lease preparation Virtual assistants can help to streamline the process of lease preparation while minimizing the potential for errors. At a minimum, they can gather essential information from the approved application and property details to populate lease templates. This might include resident names, contact details, leasing terms, rent amounts, and security deposit details. Many property management companies use pre-defined lease templates with standard clauses outlining They can then handle initial communication with the approved resident about lease signing. This might involve sending the lease electronically, explaining signing procedures, and answering basic questions about lease terms and conditions. resident responsibilities, maintenance procedures, and lease termination processes. Virtual assistants can ensure these clauses are included in the lease agreement. They can also review completed lease agreements for any typos, inconsistencies, or missing information before sending them to the resident for review and signature. Lease renewals Virtual assistants can also help streamline the process of lease renewal, thereby helping to increase resident retention. For example, virtual assistants can monitor lease agreements and identify upcoming lease expirations. They can then create a timeline for initiating communication with residents about potential renewals, via personalized emails or letters to residents approaching the end of their lease term. These messages can express appreciation for their residency, highlight the benefits of renewing, and outline the renewal process. Virtual assistants can also track resident responses to renewal offers, flagging those requiring further discussion with the property manager. They can also generate reports on renewal rates, providing valuable data for analyzing resident retention strategies. Running tenant background checks While virtual assistants can't legally conduct background checks themselves, they can be a valuable asset in streamlining the process for property management companies. This might include managing the initial steps of collecting and organizing applicant information crucial for background checks. This includes details like full names, Social Security numbers (with applicant consent), and previous addresses. They can also help maintain standardized forms with clear instructions for applicants regarding background check consent. This ensures applicants understand the process and provide the necessary authorization for releasing information to background check companies. Organizing tenant records Virtual assistants can be instrumental in bringing order to record-keeping processes, from data entry and management to record-keeping and accessibility. They can handle the initial data entry of resident information from applications, including names, contact details, emergency contacts, lease details, and pet information. This ensures all crucial information is captured and readily accessible. Virtual assistants can upload and organize various tenant documents electronically. This might include lease agreements, signed addendums, rental history verifications, and maintenance request records. They can also create a filing system for easy retrieval of documents when needed. Note that virtual assistants should be trained on data security and privacy regulations to ensure the confidentiality of resident information – while virtual assistants can manage record-keeping tasks, the property manager should maintain oversight and ensure compliance with data protection laws. Invoicing and accounting Virtual assistants can handle a range of tasks related to recording rent payments, managing maintenance expenses, and categorizing various property management costs For example, virtual assistants can help set up secure online payment portals for residents to easily submit rent payments electronically. On the tracking side, virtual assistants can track incoming payments, reconcile bank statements, and ensure accurate records are maintained. Virtual assistants can then generate basic financial reports for the property manager, summarizing expenses and overall property income. This allows for better financial tracking and informed decision-making. Many property management companies utilize accounting software. Virtual assistants can be trained to use these platforms, automating tasks like data entry and simplifying record-keeping. Best property management virtual assistant services providers Identifying the "best" virtual assistant service provider will of course depend on your specific needs and budget. First, we'd recommend that you determine the specific tasks you want your virtual assistant to handle (e.g., advertising, resident communication, bookkeeping), then conduct research on different providers, and compare their services offered, pricing structures, and experience with property management. Also look to online reviews and ask potential providers questions about their screening processes, and data security measures. That said, here are three virtual assistant service providers with high ratings. Virtudesk Virtudesk specializes in virtual assistants for various industries, including property management. They offer a proven track record and a focus on quality service. Learn more MyOutDesk Known for their expertise in real estate and property management, MyOutDesk offers virtual assistants with experience in tasks relevant to the field. Learn more Wishup This company boasts a user-friendly platform, offers flexible pricing plans, and has a quick onboarding process for virtual assistants. Learn more Pros and cons of using property management virtual assistants Overall, virtual assistants can be a valuable asset for property management companies, boosting profitability, resident satisfaction, and business growth. However, careful vetting, clear communication, and training are necessary to mitigate potential downsides related to quality control, local regulations, legal issues, and retention. Pros of using virtual assistants in property management Increased profitability Virtual assistants can handle tasks like advertising and resident communication, freeing up property managers to focus on maximizing rental income and minimizing vacancies. Improved tenant satisfaction Virtual assistants can ensure timely responses to new tenant inquiries and manage resident portals, leading to a more responsive and efficient experience for residents. Streamlined bookkeeping and reporting Virtual assistants can assist with bookkeeping tasks and help generate accurate financial reports, allowing for better financial management. Support for business growth Virtual assistants can handle administrative tasks and marketing efforts, reducing the overhead costs of executing this work, and freeing up property managers to focus on growing their business and taking on new clients. Cons of using virtual assistants in property management Quality control challenges Ensuring the quality of services provided by virtual assistants can be tricky, especially for complex tasks like legal compliance or resident screening. Potential legal issues Data security and privacy become a concern when sharing property information with virtual assistants. Clear contracts and data security measures are crucial. Retention challenges Finding and retaining qualified virtual assistants can be difficult, especially for specialized tasks within property management. Maintaining resident satisfaction Reliance on virtual assistants for initial communication with residents might lead to impersonal interactions, potentially impacting satisfaction. Limited expertise Virtual assistants may not have in-depth knowledge of property management regulations or local real estate market nuances compared to experienced property managers. How PMCs are outsourcing services for better resident experiences Property management companies are always looking for new ways to generate value for themselves, their residents, and their investors. One of the quickest ways to scale and increase return on investment can be through property management service outsourcing. At Second Nature, we’ve pioneered the first-ever fully managed Resident Benefits Package. The goal is to make property management easier for PMs, residents, and investors – and drive value that benefits all three. We call it the Triple Win. Our RBP provides services that residents are proven to pay and stay for – and our team manages every part of the process so property managers can focus on what's important to them.

Calendar icon April 29, 2024

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What Are the Benefits of Hiring Property Management Virtual Assistants?

A property management virtual assistant, or property management VA, is a remote professional who provides administrative, operational, and sometimes technical support to property managers and their teams. As a property management company grows, its workload inevitably increases. In that scenario, virtual assistants can be a valuable asset thanks to their ability to handle repetitive tasks like lease renewals, resident communication, and basic bookkeeping. This frees up property managers to focus on strategic initiatives and resident relations, and allows the company to manage more properties and increase revenue without proportionally increasing staff costs. In today's post, we'll dig into the benefits of hiring virtual assistants for property management companies, from improved efficiency to reduced admin burdens and more. Improving operational efficiency and productivity Property management business owners juggle a vast array of tasks, from marketing vacancies to managing resident concerns. Virtual assistants can be powerful allies in this full-time endeavor, boosting operational efficiency and productivity in several key ways. Filed under "streamlining repetitive tasks" are basic operations such as handling routine resident communication via email, phone calls, or text. This might include sending lease renewals, answering basic questions about property policies, and scheduling appointments for maintenance or viewings. Virtual assistants can also support various marketing and prospecting/lead generation functions, including social media management (e.g., the creation of posts publicizing property listings, publishing calendar updates, etc.). Another area where virtual assistants can boost efficiency is in the automation of invoicing for rent payments, sending receipts to residents, and tracking incoming payments. This frees up property managers from manual tasks and reduces the risk of errors. As for more complex processes such as background checks and resident screening, while virtual assistants cannot themselves conduct the checks, they can gather necessary information, initiate renter background check requests with service providers, and follow up on reports. They can also assist with time-consuming tasks such as generating basic real estate business reports on areas like vacancy rates and resident demographics. This data can be valuable for property managers and property owners to identify trends and make informed decisions. Reducing costs by outsourcing back-office operations Back-office operations can quickly become a time and resource drain for property management companies. In this respect, virtual assistants can help generate cost savings by streamlining and managing these essential tasks. In handling routine back-office tasks, virtual assistants free up property managers to focus on high-value activities like strategic planning, resident relations, and property marketing. This increases overall productivity and leads to better financial returns. As indicated above, virtual assistants can also automate repetitive tasks like invoicing, rent collection, and data entry. This minimizes errors and saves time compared to manual processes, reducing the need for staff to correct mistakes. On the resident experience side, virtual assistants can help reduce resident turnover by ensuring timely communication, efficient maintenance request management, and a positive resident experience. This boosts cost-effectiveness in relation to marketing vacancies, new resident screening, and repairs needed to prepare properties for new residents. Reducing the administrative burden Property management companies juggle many tasks that can leave them swamped with administrative duties. Virtual assistants can help tackle some of these time-consuming chores, such as fielding resident inquiries, handling maintenance requests, and even scheduling property inspections, or showings for new residents. This ensures timely responses and frees up the property manager's time for more strategic tasks and business needs. They can also manage the influx of documents, organizing lease agreements, resident applications, and financial records. This keeps everything organized and readily accessible, saving the property manager from the necessity of digging through files. Fixing capacity limitations When property management companies are limited in their staffing resources, a virtual team can act as an extension of the in-house team, effectively breaking through these capacity limitations. For example, by handling routine administrative tasks like resident communication and lease renewals, virtual assistants free up property managers to focus on acquiring new business or managing a larger number of properties. A virtual property management assistant can also serve as a remote team by operating outside regular business hours, meaning tasks like fielding resident inquiries or scheduling maintenance requests can be addressed after hours, improving overall responsiveness and customer satisfaction. In essence, they act as a force multiplier across time zones, extending the reach and capacity of the existing property management team members. Outsourcing non-revenue tasks In sum, virtual assistant services can encompass a wide range of non-revenue property management tasks, workflows, and job descriptions: Administrative duties This can include data entry, scheduling appointments, managing calendars, and filing documents. Resident communication Responding to routine resident emails and calls about things like maintenance coordination, parking inquiries, or noise complaints can be time-consuming. A virtual assistant can handle these initial interactions. Lease management Virtual assistants can support PMs with lease renewals, sending out reminders, processing paperwork, and answering basic resident questions about the lease agreement. Move-in/move-out coordination Scheduling onboarding processes, move-in inspections, collecting pre-move-in information from residents, and processing move-out checklists are all tasks a virtual assistant can handle. Service provider communication Coordinating with cleaning crews, landscapers, and other vendors often involves pricing inquiries, scheduling appointments, following up on requests, and managing invoices. A virtual assistant can help streamline this communication. Report generation Virtual assistants can compile routine reports such as vacancy rates, maintenance requests, and rent collection summaries. The last word At Second Nature, we’ve pioneered the first-ever fully managed Resident Benefits Package. The goal is to make property management easier for PMs, residents, and investors – and drive value that benefits all three. We call it the Triple Win. Our RBP provides services that residents are proven to pay and stay for – and our team manages every part of the process so property managers can focus on what's important to them.

Calendar icon April 29, 2024

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